Monday 13 June 2016


Golden Baggers is a community food growing space set up by residents for the benefit of the residents of the Golden Lane Estate.
Started in 2010 with 20 tonne bags on the unused site of the former nursery playground its popularity quickly grew and a further 20 bags were added in 2011. There is currently a waiting list.

The site comprises 40 individual tonne builders bags of soil, for the growing of fruit, vegetables, salad crops and flowers, a communal herb garden, soft fruit,  apple trees in pots and a grape vine add to the range of produce grown. There is also small  wildflife garden with an emphasis on bee, butterfly and insect friendly plants.

Managed by the Golden Lane Baggers each member is responsible for their own bag, the maintenance of the site and the social activities of the growing community.
A recent addition, the potting shed gives storage space, a potting bench and a meeting place. There is also a childrens bag for young gardeners to dig.
A compost maker uses our green and brown waste but some gardeners grow their own green manure. 

Golden Lane Baggers organise regular social and community events for members and an Estate wide programme of To create the opportunity for the growing of fruit and vegetables for the residents of Golden Lane Estate.
To provide a designated, well managed and safe site on the
Estate for the purpose of communal food growing.
To create the opportunity for residents to meet and share knowledge and skills and to encourage members to participate in the activities of the project.

To promote the benefits of the project Estate wide, through open days and an active programme of events.
As part of the Golden Lane Gardening Group, to contribute to the development of policies and activities to improve the greening and biodiversity of the Estate.

To make a positive contribution to the sense of well being and quality of life for residents of the Golden Lane Estate.
To develop links and projects with other likeminded organisations and networks, participating in RHS Big Dig Days, Capital Growth Network Events and with Gardening Groups in The Barbican and Middlesex Street Housing Estates.
activities, including Market Days and Open Days.
The allotment scheme is open to all residents of Golden Lane
Estate. There is a current waiting list.
The project reaches all ages and social mix: men and women, young and old, children and parents, generations of families, grandchildren with their parents and grandparents, young professionals, single parents, tenants and owners.
The project aims to prioritise those residents who have no direct access to an outside space or garden area.
The project benefits the wider community on the Estate through a social programme of events.

The project has brought a lively, attractive and seasonal garden to what was a disused and neglected area on the Estate, which is of direct benefit to all residents on the Estate and to all visitors to the Estate.

Update 2015

The allotment at the Golden Lane housing estate continues to be run by an enthusiastic group of residents known as the Golden Lane Baggers and enables 40 residents grow a variety of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Each resident is responsible for their own bag, the maintenance of the site and the social activities of the growers’ community. There is a children’s digging planter and a small wildlife area with an emphasis on bee, butterfly and insect friendly plants.   The allotment as it is today was put together using a Capital Growth grant in 2010.

The Golden Lane Baggers hold regular social and community events and join in an estate wide programme of activities, including market days and contributing to improving the greening and biodiversity of the estate. 

In 2015 the members participated for the first time in London Open Garden Squares weekend with over 490 visitors on the Saturday. At the time the baggers were growing 29 different types of vegetable, 10 types of herb, 12 different flowers, strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb and grapes.  There are regular monthly Social Sundays where members meet to carry out communal maintenance and a free day coach trip to RHS Wisley was organised for all estate residents. 35 people attended ranging in age from babies to over 90’s.

Latest improvements include a 810 litre water butt, a new children’s digging planter and communal beds of soft fruit including tayberries, blackberries, red and black currants, and a gooseberry bush. More communal beds are planned along with the purchase of a potting shed.

The members participate in RHS Big Dig Days and Capital Growth open days and network events.